
Women in Film & Video DCDonate

Be the change you want to see!  Your support helps us provide important services to the DC-region’s media-making community. WIFV is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, community benefit organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.  Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated. Thank You!

General Contribution to WIFV

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The Next 45 – WIFV 45th Anniversary Fund

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Past President Mid-Career Development Scholarship

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Seed Fund for Documentary Filmmakers

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Jane Cusumano/WIFV Short Narrative Film Finishing Fund

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Fiscally Sponsored Projects

  • A BAD DAY, directed by Kimberley Spire-Oh, produced by Ariel Baska
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  • AIN’T NO BACK TO A MERRY-GO-ROUND, directed by Ilana Trachtman
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  •  ANIM8NATURE, produced by Kristin Reiber Harris
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  • BAMAKO CHIC: Threads of Power, Color and Culture, directed by Maureen Gosling and Maxine Downs
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  • BLUE RIDGE BARNUM, directed by Emma Mankey Hidem
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  • BRIGIDY BRAM: The Kendal Hanna Story, directed by Laura Gamse and Kareem Mortimer
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  • DRAGON FROM CHICAGO: The Story of Sigrid Schultz, directed by Vanessa Johnston
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  • FOOD, FIBER, & THE FEMALE FARMER, directed by Cheryle Franceschi, Por Eco Productions, One Idea/Dos Languages, LLC
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  • #GALSNGEAR, founded by Amy DeLouise
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  • THE HISTORY OF SOLLEGARE ISLAND: A Landscape and Legacy, produced by Thaddeus Johnson and Lauren Waring Douglas
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  • INDELIBLE NARRATIVES: African American Government Girls, directed by Aura Wharton-Beck, Ed.D.
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  • IN VINE WE TRUST, directed/produced by Chrisa Giorgi
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  • JACOB KAINEN DOCUMENTARY, directed by Mark Covino / produced by Jon Gann
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  • JAZZ NIGHT IN DC, directed by Caitlin Carroll
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  • THE LAST BATTLEFRONT: Quest for the Vote in Washington, DC, directed by Anna Reid Jhirad
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  • LIFE AT THE LIMIT, directed by Celia de la Vega
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  • LI’L LIZA JANE: The Story of America Through the History of a Song, directed by Emily Cohen and Dan Gutstein
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  • MAPPING LOVE, directed by Mary Alice McMillan
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  • MUMBAI 17 (wt), directed by Sarah Katz
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  • THE NINE LIVES OF BARBARA DANE, directed by Maureen Gosling
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  • NOBODY WANTS US, directed by Laura Seltzer-Duny
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  • NOTES OF A CITIZEN: The Marcus Raskin Story, directed by Eden Raskin Jenkins
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  • PORTRAITS IN BLACK: Honoring Our National Treasures, directed by Monda Raquel Webb, produced by Little Known Stories Production Company, LLC
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  • PRETTY UGLY, directed by Andrea Palombella
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  • PRICKLY MOUNTAIN: My Design/Build Life (wt), directed by Allie Rood
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  • REUNION CHOIR, directed by Malkia K. Lydia
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  • ROOM TO BREATHE: One Family’s Heartfelt Journey Back to School, produced by Mary Awosika
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  • SCOUTS FOREVER, directed by Dianela Urdaneta de Ratha
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  • SEEING WITHOUT SIGHT, written/directed/produced by Alyscia Cunningham
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  • SENSES, written/directed/produced by Alyscia Cunningham
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  • SPENT: The Hidden Cost of Dementia, produced by Backfin Media
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  • STONES TO CZERNOWITZ, produced by Coincidence Productions, LLC
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  • SUPREME COURTS: A Century of DC-Area Basketball, produced by Metro Teleproductions
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  • The Teilhard de Chardin Project including REDISCOVERING FIRE: The Evolution of Teilhard de Chardin, produced by Mary and Frank Frost
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  • [UNTITLED] Hostage Family Film, directed by Brandon Kramer/produced by Lance Kramer
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  • UPSTREAM, DOWNRIVER, directed by Maggie Stogner
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  • YASMINE/JASMINE, written/directed by Yossera Bouchtia
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