News & Notes

Reports We All Should Be Reading

Accessibility Impact Scorecord ReportGet full report here
A Collaborative Initiative by Filmmakers with Disabilities (FWD-Doc), the Film Event Accessibility Working Group (FEAW), the Film Festival Alliance (FFA)

The Distribution Playbook by Seed & Spark and KinemaGet started here
This is a free resource created collaboratively and designed for filmmakers, video creators, funders, and co-collaborators to take the lead in their distribution. This is intended to be an entry point into the world of distribution and a launching pad for building a custom strategy that works for your film.

The Whole Picture Toolkit from the Film & TV Charity, UKHere’s the website
Ready to create a mentally healthy production for your team? 9 in 10 people in the film and TV industry have experienced a mental health problem. With your help, we will change that.

Holding Ourselves Accountable: A Consent Calendar ResourceGet it here
Co-created by Jen Tiexiera and Peace is Loud, this resource details a model for establishing informed, active consent throughout the filmmaking process.

In the Spotlight: Crucial Questions for Documentary ParticipantsGet it here
Co-created by Margie Ratliff and Peace is Loud, this resource helps filmmakers and participants create healthy dialogues about consent, compensation, creative rights, and other pressing issues.

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