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  • Celebrating the WIFV 45th Anniversary with colleagues and Barbie! Photo Credit: Liz Green

  • Women of Vision 2024 - Ann Hornaday (Panel Moderator), Sylvia Bugg, Samantha Cheng, Marielle Heller (2024 WIFV Women of Vision Honorees)

  • We will be celebrating our 45th Anniversary all year with special programming.

  • Congratulations to SAG-AFTRA on reaching an agreement with AMPTS thanks to their members’ unwavering dedication on the picket lines. Photo Credit: Laurisha Yniguez

  • Bridget McCormick, Nasreen Alkhateeb, Sandra Brennan filming TELL ME ABOUT ORANGE

  • Kathleen Strouse (light), Lacey Young (camera), practicing a walk-and-talk with Anne Saul's assistance (red sweatshirt) at ScriptDC23

  • 48 Hour Team WIFV 2024: MURDER ON THE 31st Article in News & Notes

  • Producer Catherine Hand and VFX Supervisor Rich McBride on set of A WRINKLE IN TIME

  • Cintia Cabib filming her doc LABYRINTH JOURNEYS

  • Maggie Stogner at work on her doc - GOLD MOUNTAIN: Conquering the Sierras

  • On the Set of Wonder Pictures' HEROES' HONEYMOON

  • Monda Webb and Sara Barger representing WIFV at the Words, Beats & Life Festival

  • The bi-weekly podcast MediaMaker Spotlight features conversations with industry professionals speaking on a wide range of topics of interest to our region’s media makers. Listen here

  • Thank you so much for the WIFV Screenwriters First Five Pages event last night. It was so valuable to me, hearing all the readings and all the feedback, and I'm so grateful for the chance to have my first five pages read and commented upon. I look forward to more such events, and the learning and community that builds from them. - Ellen Lent

I have attended workshops on editing, script writing, fund raising and so much more through the tremendous platform of WIFV. My professional story is built around educational media, and I like to think my work is more purposeful – better to serve kids – because WIFV keeps me current on how media is made and distributed. Thank you, WIFV!

– WIFV_Fan

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Add the expertise of our 900+ members to your next project. Gain advance notice of jobs, grants, festivals, scholarships, preview screenings, and reduced admission to a wide range of educational programs. WIFV offers a variety of membership to serve all experience levels.

Women in Film & Video (WIFV) provides educational and networking opportunities for screen-based media makers, celebrates women’s creative and technical achievements in media, and advocates for parity both in front of and behind the camera to ensure that all voices can be heard.

A 501(c)(3) non-profit community benefit organization founded in 1979, WIFV is the premier professional resource for people who want successful media careers in the DC-metro region. All genres, genders, and experience levels are welcome. Our resources, connections and advocacy support a vibrant, creative media community.

Timeline Celebrating 45 Years of WIFV

You can submit your own items for consideration in the timeline.

From the Blog: WIFV Filmmaker Challenge Update!

WIFV Filmmaker Challenge Update!

A Filmmaker Challenge to make a short film (5 minutes or less) using a Barbie doll was part of the WIFV 45th Anniversary celebrations WIFV. The filmmakers were instructed to create a short film (5 minutes or less) featuring women or girls who are in charge or in leadership roles. We are grateful to the support of the...


Members in the News: UNSTOPPABLE STORIES Launched


Former WIFV Board member and Emmy Award winning producer Lauren Cardillo is one of the co-hosts of the new podcast from the University of Maryland Global Campus, UNSTOPPABLE STORIES. It will feature episodes about the inspiring journeys of UMGC graduates who have achieved remarkable things. The first podcast just came out in early January and tells the...


With appreciation for our Partners

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